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Đồng hồ Sony SF03

4.00 trên 5 dựa trên 1 đánh giá
(1 đánh giá)

2.000.000  1.800.000 

Fill your SmartWatch 3 with music, then head out for a run. The two-day battery* life lets you track activities and movements without worrying about charging. And when you get home sync with a fitness app, like Lifelong.

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So sánh
Mã: WS-SW01

Mô tả

Fill your SmartWatch 3 with music, then head out for a run. The two-day battery* life lets you track activities and movements without worrying about charging. And when you get home sync with a fitness app, like Lifelog.

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1 đánh giá cho Đồng hồ Sony SF03

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    Temash Design

    TAG Heuer Connected is built on the latest release of Android Wear with thousands of apps at the Google Play store.

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